Monday, July 23, 2012

Back in the US of A

It has almost been a week since I arrived back in the United States. I decided to wait a little bit to post an update...just to see how my transition back into American life would go, before posting anything. I will start out by saying that all of your prayers (and mine) for me to have a "smooth" transition back to life here, were answered. God has blessed me with an extremely smooth transition back into my American way of life. I would be lying if I said that I weren't nervous about my re-entry into America. As you can imagine, life in Haiti is MUCH different than what we are accustomed to here in America. Although I WAS a little nervous...I knew God was in control and would take care of me...and He did. It was very nice being able to spend my last 11 days in Haiti, alongside my best friends in this world. It also great to be able to travel back home on the same flights as them! I also have an extremely supportive/amazing family that aided in my smooth transition.

I've had many people ask me, "What's the one thing that impacted you the most in your six months?". To be honest, I think it would be impossible for me to select a single event that impacted me the most. God spoke to me countless times, brought many things to my sight, and taught me a lot about myself, as well. I cherish every single moment I was able to spend with the beautiful children of Haiti. Those children were the greatest factor in my decision to even go to Haiti for six months. I am so thankful for the many great friendships that I built with those children; the countless laughs, sweat, and fun that we shared together. I greatly enjoyed doing the bi-weekly Sunday evening Men's Bible Study in Onaville, alongside Brandon Hutchens, Clerice, Pastor Masaillon, Jonathan, and everyone else involved. I thank God for granting us with the opportunity to reach out and plug into the men of this church, and the community of Onaville. I will never forget the burning passion we all felt inside our chests, after we finished each study. We would sometimes be there for three hours, enjoying the fellowship with our Haitian brothers. I ask that you will keep those men, Pastor Masaillon, our church in Onaville, and the entire community of Onaville in your prayers. The all-night prayer services we had at our church in Onaville and in Chambrun, will have an everlasting imprint in my heart. Just being able to worship with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, without "holding back" or caring what other people thought...was amazing. I have never worshiped like that, here in America. I've never felt the Holy Spirit's presence, like I felt in those services. I met many absolutely amazing people during my trip. People of different nationalities, ages, occupations, walks of life, gifts, personalities, and "visions." I thank God for each person I was fortunate enough to come into contact with.  I could go on and on and on about the other many experiences that I had...but I'll save all of those for future posts.

I simply cannot thank God enough, for blessing me with the opportunity to serve at Nehemiah Vision Ministries, for six months. Yes, I missed my family and best friends, as well as the many blessings us Americans have (Delicious 2% milk, Chic-Fil-A, smoothly paved roads, no tarantulas, etc)...but God provided me with the strength to leave all of that behind for six months. I simply could not have done this, if I would have relied on my mere human strength, courage, and wisdom. Those six months will have an everlasting impact on my life. I look forward to seeing how God can use my time there in Haiti, to bring glory to His Kingdom. I also thank Him for the opportunities that He has given me, to share my testimony and how God impacted my life through this trip, with the youth at my home church, Crossroads Fellowship, for the next two Sundays (July 29 and August 5th). I will be moving into Liberty University on August 16th!

To finish this post off....I would simply like to thank YOU for your prayers, donations, love and for keeping up with my posts, my pictures, and my six month journey. I ask that you keep Nehemiah Vision Ministries, the entire nation of Haiti, and myself in your prayers. I pray that my testimony, my six months in this beautiful nation, can somehow impact YOUR life. I pray that it will be encouragement and motivation for you to step out in your faith, and bring glory to God's Kingdom. By no means am I more "qualified" than any of you, to take a bold step in faith. I'm just a normal 21 year old guy. I'm a sinner who has been blessed with the grace of God-just like you. The entire world is a mission field. We are not all called by God to do international missions-don't be discouraged if you don't feel led to travel overseas to proclaim the Gospel. You can start in your own neighborhood-your neighbor, your family, friends, school job, etc. We must not overlook the fact that there are people that need to here the Gospel here in our own nation. If anybody would like to contact me for any reason, please feel free to email me at: I would be more than happy to talk with you.

One of my last visits to Chambrun. I will never forget these amazing children.

Never a dull moment in this village!

If one picture could sum up the pure joy I experienced while playing with the kids in Chambrun, this would be it. I'm a kid at heart, and this photo definitely captured that essence of my personality. I will never forget the countless laughs, games, and sweat that I enjoyed with these kids

Also never a dull moment with my best friends and I!!

Baby Rose, Kris Kapab, and Daniella. Absolutely love these three little girls.

Monday, July 9, 2012

This Is A Family

 The title of this post is, "This Is A Family." The staff here at Nehemiah Vision Ministries does not simply refer to each other simply as friends, a group, or ministry. We are a family. A family that consists of various ages, walks of life, homes (in America), skin complexions, hair colors, and well...many other things. However, none of those differences matter. This is a family that might only spend several months of a year together. Some of us might not ever, unfortunately, see each other face-to-face again. (You might be thinking, "Hmm...this doesn't really sound like a family to me.") But the time that we have spent here together has been absolutely priceless. Don't get me wrong...we function similar to "true" blood-related families. What I mean by that, is the fact that we don't always feel thrilled to be in each others' presence. We butt heads, have disagreements, don't see eye-to-eye on every little detail, and don't all enjoying doing the same things as others...and none of those characteristics differ from "normal" families. One characteristic that we ALL share, however, is the fact that we all have a burning passion to serve and love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today was definitely a bittersweet day here at Nehemiah Vision Ministries. I say bittersweet, because some of us had to say "goodbyes" with an undetermined amount of time until we see each other again. Our NVM family is once again undergoing a slight roster change. However, change is inevitable and people have to move on to the next chapters in their lives. Nurse E'Tienne York headed home this morning after a year of service here at NVM; Brandon Hutchens and Katie Hutchens headed back home for two weeks to spend time with family and loved ones back home; my oldest brother, Jason, also headed home after spending a week here with us at NVM.

The fact that I only have eight days left in Haiti definitely hit me pretty hard today. I said my last goodbye to E'Tienne bright and early this morning and later drove my brother, Brandon, and Katie into Port-au-Prince Airport. The realization, that before I know it....I will be taking my last airport run. And rather than picking other people up, or dropping other people will be myself who is leaving. I could go on and on about the many experiences I've had here since January 16, 2012. Perhaps I will in a later post...but for tonight, this is it! I ask for everyone to keep all of us in your prayers as we continue to serve here at NVM, as well as to the many other places that God will lead us. All things for His glory.

Top : Katie Hutchens, Brandon Hutchens, Katherine Clancey, Cheryl Warner, Aubree Dell, Jim Warner, E'Tienne York, Brooke Smalley. Bottom: Jonathan Dimanche, Myself,                   Clinton Small, and Chris Bosma.                                 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Two Weeks Remaining

As of today, I only have two weeks left in Haiti. My oldest brother, Jason, arrived here yesterday! He will be here from July 2nd-9th. I am so excited that he was able to come. It just so happens that we started our first annual Nehemiah Vision Ministries Summer Youth English Camp on Monday--he is a high school English teacher back home! Therefore, he immediately plugged into the camp and is teaching an English class!

My oldest brother, Jason, and myself. My caption for this image is, "You may be the oldest brother... but now I'M the biggest!".

My brother and I both greatly enjoy photography. He has a wedding photography business that he does "on the side." I love every opportunity that we get to shoot weddings (and anything, really) together. There was an awesome lightning storm off in the distance last night. We decided to go out and attempt to capture images of lightning bolts. So...we went out on the roof, set our D7000's to interval shooting (capturing images every 2 seconds), and I caught this 6-bolt-beauty!

My best friends will be here at Nehemiah Vision Ministries, THIS Friday!! That is the same team (Crossroads Fellowship college ministry, "Catalyst")that I came down here with last summer. It's going to be great working alongside my brother for a week, and my best friends for 11 days. It has been 5-and-a-half months since I've seen any of my family or friends. I will be flying back to the States with my friends/college ministry on July 17th.