Friday, August 23, 2013


If I were to ask this blog's visitors to identify the three logos pictured above, I assume that the majority of you would be able to do so with ease.  The Three Amigos of social media/networking: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Now, if I were to ask how much time each and every one of you spend (or should I say waste) each day on these social media outlets, what would you say?  Now, now...I am just as guilty (if not more) than you are.  I can honestly admit that I spend at a minimum of an hour-and-a-half of my "free" time, browsing these media sources....solely via my iPhone.  That's not even counting time that I occasionally spend visiting Facebook and Twitter on my laptop.  So, let's do the math.  I will assume that I spend two hours each day using these "big three"; 2 hours x 7 days = 14 hours a week.  I waste at LEAST 14 hours a week on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

Let's take it even further: 14 hours per week x 52 weeks = 728 hours per year


I waste an estimated 728 hours a year posting comments, hashtags, pictures, videos, and simply boredom-browsing.  I can easily think of many ways to better utilize those 728 hours a year.  I'm not sure about you, but for me, this is a huge:

My pastor discussed this social media/networking epidemic in last Sunday night's sermon.  I recall thinking and justifying to myself, "I don't spend THAT much time on it; I really DO make good use of my free time; I've gotten BETTER about it, right?".  Well, ladies and gents, the numbers don't lie.  I've been an avid social media/networking user since the day that I discovered Myspace in middle school.  But, it is time for the ridiculous amount of time that I waste on social media to drastically decrease.  The first steps that I had taken prior to the Sunday night sermon as well as this number-crunching, was to delete the Facebook and Twitter apps off of my iPhone.  Although I had seen improvements this week, I simply started making up for those deleted apps by spending MORE time on Instagram; counterproductive, eh?  Well, that leaves me with one option: delete Instagram.

My prayer is that God will provide me with the wisdom to be a better steward of my time here on Earth; to not waste 728 hours a year....out of sheer boredom.  I also pray that for anybody that just so happens to come across my blog and this post; that you too will realize how much time is wasted on these social medial outlets....and for productive methods of utilizing the hours you will gain by NOT posting that oh-so-incredible image of this mornings breakfast!  #desocialnetworking

 …This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.
Ephesians 5: 14-17

August 2013 Updates

First and foremost, I would like to share with you all that.....
Yes, you are reading that correctly.  On July 12, 2013 I proposed to the most amazing, beautiful, intriguing, and Christ-following young woman on this Earth.....for SOME reason, Nikki said yes :)  My   fiancĂ© and I will be getting married here in Jacksonville, NC on Sunday, November 3rd, 2013 (we aren't wasting ANY time!).

For those of you wondering how I proposed....I'm in the process of making a video consisting of "secret" video and images that I captured (with a tripod) of our engagement.  BUT, in the meantime....I'll briefly describe my somewhat romantic endeavor:

I wanted to propose in a somewhat unique way.  I didn't want to get on one knee and pop the question in the middle of a fancy-smancy restaurant; Nikki and I aren't too "flashy" of people...I knew that she would want something that required more thought on my behalf.  Therefore, I purchased and hid "the rock" for  a couple of weeks as I concocted a method of delivery.  After much deliberation, I recalled that our good friends, Jake and Kayla, had a one year anniversary that was approaching, and decided to include them in the scheme.

Jake and Kayla
I decided that I would tell Nikki that I was going to do a photoshoot for our close friends' anniversary on the shore of North Topsail Beach; Nikki and I have spent a good amount of time there, especially during the first part of our relationship.  I called Jake, discussed my plan and instructions, and asked for him to share the details with Kayla.  Alright, everyone is on board.  Plans are set and good-to-go. poured, and poured, and poured, almost the entire day.  I prayed earlier that morning, "Lord, if it rains...let it rain during the day while we are at work so that I can propose to Nikki this evening."  And, my prayers were answered!  I left work at 5:30pm and the skies cleared up and rain ceased.  Go time!

Ok, I'm going to stop here.  I've intentionally left out a handful of details, to build up anticipation for the engagement video that I am working on!  Sorry, ladies and gentlemen!  I'll leave you with a couple of images from the engagement:
Post-proposal image that I captured of my beautiful bride-to-be and I; captured with a good ol' tripod and remote!

Post-proposal photo of my beautiful bride-to-be!

Low-resolution screenshots from the "secret" video I captured of our actual engagement!
Unfortunately, Nikki and I were not able to raise enough support for a week-long trip to Nehemiah Vision Ministries.  However, we ARE going to try again next year.  I desperately want to visit all of my friends there...and I want Nikki to experience it as well.

I am also contemplating changing the name of this blog.  As you all know, I am no longer living in Haiti....but would love to continue blogging and sharing my thoughts and images.....Stay tuned!  I hope and pray that 2013 has been a blessing to whomever comes across this blog!